Products Quality
1. Are you satisfied with our company scale and production capability?
Very satisfied
Not satisfied
2. Which do you value most for a product?
Product brand
Product package
Product quality
Product utility
3. Do you think our products are suitable for your market or your target customers?
Very suitable
Just so so. Your comments or suggestion on this:
Not suitable. Your comments or suggestion on this:
4. Are your satisfied with our packing?
Very satisfied
Just so so
Not satisfied
Your comments or suggestion on this:
5. What do you think of our products quality?
Very good
Your comments or suggestion on this:
Products Price
Compared with other suppliers, what do you think of our prices?
Pretty low
Almost same
Little higher
Too high
Your comments or suggestion on this:
1. Do you satisfied with our service for your requests/feedback?
A) Timeliness:
Excellent, quick response to our requests/feedback
Good, response within one day after we feedback
Poor, comes too late
B) Dealing result:
2.Do you satisfied with our documents provided?
A) Timeliness:
Excellent, quick response
Good, response within one day after we feedback
Poor, comes too late
B) Database integrity
3. What do you think of our delivery time?
Delivery earlier sometimes
Always on time
Delay sometimes
Always delay
4. What about your impressions to our people, including our sales representative, our managers, other staff you contacted with?
(For example: professional, reliable, trustworthy, not reliable, friendly, bothering, headache, genuine, hard-working, etc.)
Your other comments and suggestions: