Breathing Anesthesia
LB1310 0xygen Mask With Reservoir Bag
LB1220 Adjustable Venturi Mask
LB481002 Three way connector02
LB481003 Three way connector03
LB5510 Tracheostomy Holder
LB5110C Tracheostomy Tube(with cuff)
LB5110 Tracheostomy Tube(without cuff)
LB532 Breathing Circuit For Ventilator
LB531 Breathing Tube for Anesthesia Apparatus
LB6810 Closed Suction Catheter
LB61 Connecting tube with Yankauer Handle
LB6112 Extractor Mucus
LB6310 Feeding Tube
LB6610 Nelaton tube
LB6510 Rectal tube
LB6420S Silicone Ryle's Stomach Tube
LB6410S Silicone Stomach Tube
LB6220S Silicone Suction Catheter